School location and intake area
Beeliar Primary School is located in The Meve Estate Beeliar. It is settled in beautifully kept grounds on the main artery to the estate, The Grange.
The following defines the local-intake area of this school
From the junction of Beeliar Drive and Tindal Avenue, south along Tindal Avenue to Fancote Avenue, east along Fancote Avenue to Henderson Road, south along Henderson Road to Russell Road, south east along Russell Road to a point due south of the centre of Kogolup Lake, north from this point on Russell Road through Thompsons Lake and Kogolup Lake to Beeliar Drive, west along Beeliar Drive to Tindal Avenue.
The boundary parts of Beeliar Drive (south side) and Russell Road (north side) are included within the local-intake area for Beeliar Primary School. The boundary parts of Tindal Avenue (both sides), Fancote Avenue (both sides) and Henderson Road (both sides) are excluded from this local-intake area.
LIA Map Beeliar Primary School

From the junction of Beeliar Drive and Tindal Avenue, south along Tindal Avenue (east side included) to Fancote Avenue, east along Fancote Avenue (north side included) to Henderson Road, south along Henderson Road (east side included) to Russell Road, south east along Russell Road (north side included) to a point due south of the centre of Kogolup Lake, north from this point on Russell Road through Thomsons Lake and Kogolup Lake to Beeliar Drive, west along Beeliar Drive (south side included) to Tindal Avenue.