
Pre-Primary – Year 2

InitiaLit is an evidence based, systematic, whole class literacy program for teaching reading and writing. Systematic teaching programs, such as InitiaLit, follow a logical sequence, ensuring that there are no gaps in the delivery of curriculum content. The program is designed to provide children with the foundation skills to become proficient readers and writers, thus reducing the need for literacy intervention in the later years of primary school.

InitiaLit incorporates a synthetic phonics approach to teaching spelling and reading, with a focus on rich literary texts and the development of students’ vocabulary. Synthetic phonics programs have been identified as the most successful approach to teaching reading and spelling.
InitiaLit was introduced to Pre-Primary and Year 1 in 2017 and has delivered excellent results in both year levels. This year, Beeliar Primary is one of first schools to trial InitiaLit 2 in our Year 2 classes.

Our staff have had ongoing professional development and support from InitiaLit consultant, Simmone Pogorzelski to implement InitiaLit across Years PP-2. Simmone has worked closely with our teachers and coaches to refine the delivery of the InitiaLit program.