Every day counts
It is vitally important that students attend school every day, unless they are absent due to illness.
Regular attendance is a critical factor in the success of your child at school. Attendance for all students from Pre-primary to Year Six is compulsory. In Kindergarten, although not compulsory, we strongly encourage regular attendance. The school will follow up all unexplained absences, including in Kindergarten. Please note that all instances of vacation that occur inside school terms are classified as unauthorised absences. The school policy is to not provide work for students to complete during their family holidays as this sends the message that the school condones such absences.
Absentee notification
Parents are asked to advise the school of all absences before 8:30am, otherwise an SMS will be
sent indicating their child is not at school. Parents can follow the SMS with the link if their child is
marked absent without an explanation. Parents should use this link to add attendance notes about
their child’s absence. Please note that the link will be valid for only 48 hours. Do not reply via
SMS as the school will not receive it. The school will receive your response via the link
provided. Ensure the phone is connected to an Internet data plan or has WIFI access to use the
hyperlink. Alternatively, parents can log in to Compass and add an attendance note, explaining
why their child will not be attending that day or will be late.
All requests for extended absence should be made in writing to the Principal.
Late Arrival / Early Departure
The starting time is 8:50am. If students arrive after 9:00am they must go to the Administration office where a parent or guardian will be required to sign their child/ren in on the Compass Kiosk to obtain a late pass to present to the classroom teacher.

All children leaving early should be picked up by a parent or approved contact at the office where you will be required to sign them out on the Compass Kiosk.
Students are deemed to be at risk by the Department of Education if their attendance is below 90%.
90% | If your child attends 90% of the time, we regard them as attending regularly, they could be missing:
80% | If your child attends 80% of the time, we regard them in the lowest risk category, they could be missing:
60% | If your child attends 60% of the time, we regard them at a moderate risk, they could be missing: