Learning at Home

Years K – P

No formal homework will be set. Shared reading to your child, saying nursery rhymes and word games/activities etc is strongly recommended. Story time bags will be introduced to support the shared reading once students have settled into their routines. Pre Primary ‘formal’ home reading may begin if students are ready and students may practice their sounds to consolidate their learning. Occasionally a collection of readily available materials will be requested for a particular curriculum topic/theme.

Years 1 – 3

  • Practice of skills learnt at school will be on the basis of enjoyment and sharing with family;
  • Oral reading, spelling, occasionally collection of materials and parent supervised research;
  • Recommended time allocation: On average ten to twenty minutes per session three to four times per week.

Years 4 – 5

  • The emphasis will remain on children sharing their school learning experiences with their family;
  • Revision and practice of English and mathematical skills and knowledge will be planned at this level;
  • Enrichment and extension of school learning and activities will be encouraged;
  • Recommended time allocation: On average thirty minutes per session three to four times per week.

Year  6

  • Children at this level will be taught to practice effective home-study skills e.g. homework diary, set homework time, plan, setting timelines and meeting commitments;
  • Revision, consolidation, enrichment and extension activities to meet individual student needs will be the basis for the homework set at this level;
  • Recommended time allocation: On average thirty to forty five minutes per session three to four times per week.

Homework Strategies

To ensure the success of the school’s Homework Guidelines, the following recommended strategies are provided:

Parents and caregivers can help by:

  • Taking an active interest in homework;
  • Ensuring that there is time set aside for homework;
  • Encouraging and supporting students to complete homework;
  • Providing where possible, a dedicated place and desk for homework and study;
  • Encouraging their children to read and take an interest in current events;
  • Assisting teachers to monitor homework by signing completed work if requested and being aware of the homework set;
  • Alerting the school to any domestic or extracurricular activities which may need to be taken into consideration when homework is being set or corrected.

Students can help by:

  • Being aware of the importance of homework;
  • Being aware of their school’s homework guidelines;
  • Completing homework within the given timeframe;
  • Alerting parents or caregivers to homework expectations;
  • Seeking assistance from teachers and parents or caregivers when difficulties arise ;
  • Ensuring homework is of a high standard;
  • Organising their time to ensure that sufficient time is given to quality homework within set deadlines.